
Volunteer Opportunities

Lunch Servers

Everyday of the week we need two volunteers to serve during lunchtime.  We ask that you arrive by 10:45 a.m. and stay until 12:30 p.m.  As a volunteer you will be responsible for washing/wiping the picnic tables down and serving lunch for all three lunch periods.  We ask that you remain until the last period is over for chaperoning in case there are students who need the full lunch period to eat their lunch.

If you are interested in volunteering for one day of the week, please let the front office know.

Faculty Appreciation

A few years ago, some parents got together and decided to provide a faculty appreciation lunch once a month.  By participating in this, you and two or three other people are signing up to provide lunch for approximately 25 faculty members once during the school year.  The faculty truly loves to be appreciated and looks forward to the monthly luncheons!

Campus Work Day

At times throughout the year we ask family members to give up a Saturday to help us make our campus more beautiful.  If you are interested in being a part of this, please let us know in the office.

Fall Golf Tournament

We have an Annual Golf Tournament every Fall.  Contact the office if you are available to help.

Spring Auction

We have an Annual Fundraising Auction every Spring.  Contact the office for volunteer opportunities.